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Jounce Terminology

Get familiar with the language we use to describe the programmatic supply chain

Primary Sellers

The company that controls programmatic monetization for each website, mobile app, or CTV app.

The primary seller is typically the publisher:


In some cases, the primary seller is an exclusive representative of the publisher:


Supply Chain Directness

Supply chains where the exchange pays the primary seller are direct.

Everything else is indirect.

Not all indirect paths are wasteful reselling. We identify four types of indirect supply chains:

  • Outsourced Yield Management: The delegation of sales rights from the publisher to a monetization partner for a minority of user sessions.

  • Content Syndication: Partnerships in which a content owner distributes its content via a third party website or app in return for advertising sales rights.

  • Proprietary Placements: Ad units, typically with non-standard creative executions, that are exclusively monetized by a company other than the publisher.

  • Rebroadcasting: Auctions for which the seller does not control the final ad serving decision.

Inventory Premiumness

Both direct and indirect supply chains sometimes lead to ad products that have little or no value to marketers. We classify every programmatic supply chain as one of four SPO segments:

  • Rebroadcasting: Supply chains that introduce unnecessary hops between the marketer and the publisher

  • Cheap Reach: Maximally direct supply chains that lead to chronically non-viewable ad placements

  • Made For Advertising: Maximally direct supply chains that lead to user-hostile advertising experiences

  • Premium: Maximally direct supply chains that lead to inventory with a proven ability to influence consumer purchase decisions

You can learn more about these frameworks in our two companion whitepapers:

You can also get a full supply chain education in our 4 hour Supply Chain Foundations course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where does Jounce get its data?

Our supply chain analysis is powered by a combination of public and private data. Through our crawling systems, we track every ads.txt, app-ads.txt, and sellers.json file. We additionally extract publicly available information from all app stores, including the CTV-specific app stores. We then pair public data with private data sharing agreements that give us rights to monitor $50M per month of active DSP campaigns from a diverse group of global media buyers.

What environments and media types does Jounce track?

Our data covers all RTB-traded websites, mobile apps, and CTV apps. We do not currently track digital out of home, in-game advertising, or other exotic formats.

Is Jounce’s data global?

Yes, our data is global, excluding China.

What is Jounce’s demand score?

Demand Score is a relative measure of “dollars per bid request.” For any pool of supply, we measure bid request volumes and DSP gross ad spend, and we report these numbers in our Seller Profiles dashboard. If a programmatic seller is 0.5% of all RTB bid requests and captures 2.0% of all RTB spend, that seller has a demand score of 4.0, meaning its auctions capture 4x more dollars per bid request than the average RTB auction.

What do I do if I can’t find an important site or app in Jounce’s dashboard?

Our Seller Profiles dashboard surfaces information about the 10,000 largest RTB-traded websites, mobile apps, and CTV apps. Our Property Scores extract includes information about the 1,000,000 largest websites and apps. If you cannot find a property that you would expect to be in these outputs, please notify us using the form at the bottom of this page.

Who are Jounce’s customers?

Our subscribers include brands, agencies, DSPs, SSPs, and publishers. Every subscriber has access to the same set of education resources, research reports, and data outputs.

Can I share research reports with my clients?

You are welcome to include screenshots of any of our research reports and dashboards in your day-to-day communication with current and prospective clients. If you would like to cite Jounce outputs as part of any public communication, please reach out to us using the form at the bottom of this page.

How do I export Jounce’s list of Made For Advertising domains?

We update all of our data once per day, and we publish that data in exportable form in our “Property Scores” file. Here’s how to use that output to generate a current list of domains that we classify as Made For Advertising (MFA):

1. Go to

2. Download the Property Scores file

3. Filter for percent_media_risk >= 25% and primary_media_risk_reason = Made For Advertising

This will generate a list of several hundred web domains that you can copy and paste.

What are my data rights?

You have unlimited rights to use Jounce’s data to inform private communication with your business partners. You additionally have unlimited rights to use Jounce’s data to manage campaign reporting and targeting. If you work at an ad tech company and want to systematically incorporate Jounce data into your product capabilities, please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.

You do not have rights to distribute Jounce data to any third parties. You also do not have rights to provide Jounce logins to any third parties.

Can I engage Jounce for custom consulting work?

We no longer support custom consulting engagements, but we are always happy to answer questions related to our core outputs. You can contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.

How do I get more granular access to Jounce data?

In addition to our core data outputs, we can provide direct access to our raw data set through both a Jounce-hosted query environment and a file-based data transfer service. If you are interested in exploring these solutions, please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.

How do I create logins for my team?

Anyone with an email address hosted by a Jounce subscriber can request a login at

I have more questions. How can I get in touch with the Jounce team?

Please complete the form below, and a member of our team will be in touch!